
The PEDIGREE® Brand is the number one brand of dog food in the world, offering a wide variety of products for different dog life stages. As an innovative market leader, the PEDIGREE® Brand is at the forefront of pet nutrition and understands pet owner needs by providing a range of innovative products and resources. The PEDIGREE® Brand is built on an unwavering love for dogs and commitment to dog adoption.

Everything we do is for the love of dogs. For us, dogs aren’t just our job, they’re our life. From dogs in our offices to volunteering and Feeding Brighter Futures, we’re passionate about pets.

Our philosophy is to provide leading-edge nutrition that’s affordable for everyone. And with over 80 years of experience making pet food, we’re proud of our products.

Our dedication goes into every product we make, and we work hard to develop great quality, nutritious products that’ll help keep dogs of all breeds and ages happy and healthy.

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