
AIRLAND was born in 1966 in HK. Honouring the pledge – To offer quality, healthy and comfortable beddings to consumers, the brand provides superior sleep experience to consumers who look for quality of life. Renowned as a premier mattress manufacturer and an industry leader in China, the brand also pioneered the industry in terms of technology advancement.

In 1972, AIRLAND was appointed to be the sole supplier of mattress to the British Army Far East Command. The inherited international standard is set to be the standard till today. Persisting in producing high quality products, it is the first mattress brand to be rewarded the Q-Mark quality certificate issued by HK government in 1982 till now, for 42 years consecutively. Over half of a century, AIRLAND has grown into a conglomerate with major businesses, including home furnishing products (mainly mattresses and bedding), luxurious experience centres, healthcare centres and hotels.

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AIRLAND 雅蘭成立於 1966 年,我們憑著「品質第一,弘揚名牌,科技興業,共創未來」的經營方針和理念,專注為追求品質生活的人士,帶來高質素、舒適和健康的床上用品。1972 年,AIRLAND 雅蘭更成為英國遠東軍方唯一指定床褥供應商,其國際認可的產品質量標準一直保持至今;憑藉卓越的品質,AIRLAND 雅蘭 自 1982 年起更成為首個床褥品牌獲得由香港政府頒發的香港 Q 嘜產品認證,至今已連續獲得 42 年,從不間斷。經過半世紀的發展,AIRLAND 雅蘭如今已成為一所俱規模的床褥及寢室用品企業。

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