Thai Life Insurance

Thai Life Insurance Public Company Limited is the first life insurance company of Thai people. which has been in business for more than 80 years. Throughout the period of business operation, the company is committed to improving the efficiency of every aspect of business operations. Both in terms of developing innovative products and services, good corporate governance, and risk management. Including enhancing the professionalism, ethics, and skill potential of the workforce. The company’s Business Purpose is to be the answer to all life insurance, health insurance, and personal financial planning or Life Solutions Provider, as well as its Brand Purpose is to become a leading brand that is admired, trusted, and inspires people in society. To be ready to care for Thai people and Thai society in a sustainable way. Thai Life Insurance is now listed on the Thai Stock Exchange, with the greatest IPO trading value in Southeast Asia since 2000, or in 22 years, and the SET Market Capitalization Index is the 25th largest.

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